CLIENT: Delta Gamma Sorority PROJECT: Membership magazine
DETAILS: Chris Danger illustrated a fun cover about the next generation of space engineers. We collaborated with photo-illustrator Lincoln Agnew and the Anchora editorial staff in the creation of a fresh, vibrant and engaging feature artwork for a their Generation Z feature story. Photographer Jennifer Denton worked with us in creating compelling photos that helped us tell one member’s story of how she went from the sorority house to serving in the field with the CIA. Mario Zucca was the perfect illustrator for a feature story about fun and zany campus traditions. When featuring one member’s efforts to raise awareness and strive to eliminate sexual assault, we worked with photographer Abbie Miller to capture a compelling and appropriate photograph. For the Favorite Cities issue, we incorporated less-than-obvious photography, multiple typefaces and scale to engage the reader to discover new places and insider tips. In the spring of 2020, we created appropriate visuals and layouts as the organization addressed their role in institutional racism.